german unification ap euro

Which statement about an important event that led to german unification This is considered the basis for Bismarck's policy of Realpolitik. When Italy and Germany were unified, they changed history. This transfer particularly enhanced the territories of Wrttemberg and Baden. German_Unification_DBQ_from_AP_Classroom.docx - EUROPEAN Howard, Chapter XI: the Peace, pp. The theater is in complete darkness as a long, sustained E-flat is played. AP Euro & World History Lecture: Italian & German Unification by Ye Olde History Shoppe 4.5 (2) $3.00 Google Slides This presentation includes checks for understanding and points of discussion: Everything you need to teach and review GERMAN & ITALIAN UNIFICATION with your AP European History or World History classes. AP European History - Bismarck, a member of Prussia's Junker class, the conservative nobility who served the Prussian state as officers in the military or as governmental bureaucrats, was completely devoted to the Prussian crown, God, and German unification. The German Confederation saw this act as a violation of the London Protocol of 1852, which emphasized the status of the Kingdom of Denmark as distinct from the three independent duchies. [35] He was not alone: the poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben wrote a poem in which he extolled the virtues of the Zollverein, which he began with a list of commodities that had contributed more to German unity than politics or diplomacy. German Nationalism and Religious Conflict: Culture, Ideology, and Politics, 1870-1914. a. the german reichstag forced otto von bismarck to resign as chancellor. opaeeftakppooeiflei# 01848--1871: unification of Germany and final unification of Italy and introductionof 3rd republic in France. German Unification Before 1870 Economic success, political failure, and diplomatic tension marked the idea of a unified Germany in the period after the Napoleonic Wars. Europe (1848-1871): The Revolutions of 1848 (1848) | SparkNotes 22 times. 10th grade. [121] According to this story, Prussia played the dominant role in bringing the German states together as a nation-state; only Prussia could protect German liberties from being crushed by French or Russian influence. Through military victory, Prussia under Bismarck's influence had overcome Austria's active resistance to the idea of a unified Germany. You'll learn about Guisseppe Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuelle, Otto von . The effects of the railway were immediate. Unification of Germany Summary & Timeline - Luther and Qin both lived in a society filled with disunity and corruption, hence why both decided to make a change. A comparison of the two types of theaters can be demonstrated by showing the traditional floor plan of the Vienna opera house and contrasting it with Wagner's Festspielhaus. A master strategist, Bismarck initiated decisive wars with Denmark, Austria and France to unite 39 independent German states under Prussian leadership. The assembly offered to share power under a constitutional monarchy and offered the crown of a unified Germany to Frederick William IV of Prussia. [108], The 1866 North German Constitution became (with some semantic adjustments) the 1871 Constitution of the German Empire. He fled his U.S. Army post in the 1950s in danger of reprisals for his left-wing activities at Harvard and in Buffalo, New York. [103], Victory in the Franco-Prussian War proved the capstone of the unification process. Italian and German Unification: Crash Course European History #27 [42] Such other patriotic songs as "Die Wacht am Rhein" ("The Watch on the Rhine") by Max Schneckenburger began to focus attention on geographic space, not limiting "Germanness" to a common language. Updated AP Edition. Several states were promoted to kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Bavaria, the Kingdom of Saxony or the Kingdom of Hanover. Many of the problems related to poverty (such as illness, overcrowded housing, unemployment, school absenteeism, refusal to learn German, etc.) They believed any such conflict would only serve the interests of royal dynasties. The full text of Wagner's essay is available online. With this constitution, the new Germany acquired some democratic features: notably the Imperial Diet, whichin contrast to the parliament of Prussiagave citizens representation on the basis of elections by direct and equal suffrage of all males who had reached the age of 25. The principal architects of this convention, Metternich, Castlereagh, and Tsar Alexander (with his foreign secretary Count Karl Nesselrode), had conceived of and organized a Europe balanced and guaranteed by four "great powers": Great Britain, France, Russia, and Austria, with each power having a geographic sphere of influence. Although the Junkers did, indeed, continue to control the officer corps, they did not dominate social, political, and economic matters as much as the Sonderweg theorists had hypothesized. Sch?nhausen, Duke von Lauenburg--was a Prussian statesman who in 1871 founded the German . [95], The reorganization of the military by von Roon and the operational strategy of Moltke combined against France to great effect. In the Kleindeutschland ("Lesser Germany") solution, the German states would be united under the leadership of the Prussian Hohenzollerns; in the Grossdeutschland ("Greater Germany") solution, the German states would be united under the leadership of the Austrian Habsburgs. AP Euro Italian Unification YouTube Video Otto von Bismarck (April 1, 1815 - July 30, 1898) Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian statesman who set the stage for the creation of the German Empire in 1871 and served as its chancellor for 19 years. Initially, the Danes attempted to defend their country using an ancient earthen wall known as the Danevirke, but this proved futile. Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. We will look into differences and similarities between German and Italian unification and come to the conclusion. The treaties of Lunville (1801) and the Mediatization of 1803 secularized the ecclesiastical principalities and abolished most free imperial cities and these territories along with their inhabitants were absorbed by dynastic states. Their "radicalness" depended upon where they stood on the spectrum of male suffrage: the wider the definition of suffrage, the more radical. [6] The creation of student militias such as the Ltzow Free Corps exemplified this tendency. Prussia won and directly annexed some of the German states that had sided . Recent research into the role of the Grand Bourgeoisiewhich included bankers, merchants, industrialists, and entrepreneursin the construction of the new state has largely refuted the claim of political and economic dominance of the Junkers as a social group. The invasion of Russia included nearly 125,000 troops from German lands, and the loss of that army encouraged many Germans, both high- and low-born, to envision a Central Europe free of Napoleon's influence. Further complexity can be created by identifying some as Wagnerian-style romantic nationalists and others as Bismarck-like realpolitik nationalists. [52] This new argument further challenges the norms of the British-centric model of development: studies of national development in Britain and other "normal" states (e.g., France or the United States) have suggested that even in these cases, the modern nation-state did not develop evenly. Rural farmer. There was no readily applicable definition for who the German people would be or how far the borders of a German nation would stretch. Ap Euro Sample Guide. Success encouraged the Coalition forces to pursue Napoleon across the Rhine; his army and his government collapsed, and the victorious Coalition incarcerated Napoleon on Elba. Although seemingly minor events, the Erfurt Union proposal and the Punctation of Olmtz brought the problems of influence in the German states into sharp focus. Edit. Garibaldi looked to Germany for the "kind of leadership [that], in the true tradition of medieval chivalry, would devote itself to redressing wrongs, supporting the weak, sacrificing momentary gains and material advantage for the much finer and more satisfying achievement of relieving the suffering of our fellow men. The Danes were no match for the combined Prussian and Austrian forces and their modern armaments. The prince withdrew as a candidate, thus defusing the crisis, but the French ambassador to Berlin would not let the issue lie. Bismarck was also confronted with problems from religious minorities in Germany, especially from Catholics and Jews. [17] In this context, one can detect its roots in the experience of Germans in the Napoleonic period. 9-8 Points Thesis is clearly stated and addresses BOTH statesmen and compares and contrasts their methods of unification. Over the following forty years, the great powers supported the Spanish monarchy, but events in 1868 would further test the old system, finally providing the external trigger needed by Bismarck. The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I - 11 During the ill-fated Revolutions of 1848, nationalists in Germany and Italy tried unsuccessfully to unify their nations on the basis of shared language and culture. The French public, still aggravated over the defeat at Sadov, demanded war. [123], For the 1871 ceremonial event marking completion of unification, see, Administrative areas after the unification of the, Dissolution of the Old Empire by the Napoleonic Continental System, Rise of German nationalism under Napoleon, Congress of Vienna and the rise of German dualism, Emergence of liberal nationalism and conservative response, German revolutions and Polish uprising of 184849, The aborted 184849 German Empire in retrospective analysis, Problem of spheres of influence: The Erfurt Union and the Punctation of Olmtz, External expectations of a unified Germany, Peace of Prague and the North German Confederation, Unified Italy and Austro-Hungarian Compromise, Open hostilities and the disastrous end of the Second French Empire, War as the capstone of the unification process, Internal political and administrative unification, Historical arguments and the Empire's social anatomy, Beyond the political mechanism: forming a nation, Although the Prussian army had gained its reputation in the. Scribner, Robert W. and Sheilagh C. Ogilvie. Russia says US, NATO's 'increasing' involvement in Ukraine 'fraught with direct military clash of nuclear powers' Anadolu Agency. Every German has complete freedom of religion and conscience. With France, Bismarck benefited from Emperor Napoleon III's failed campaign in Mexico, which distracted the French from European affairs. Unifying various states into one nation required more than some military victories, however much these might have boosted morale. Concurrent with this idea, movements to preserve old fortresses and historic sites emerged, and these particularly focused on the Rhineland, the site of so many confrontations with France and Spain.[43]. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. During the Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras, many of the previously strong barriers between Jews and Christians broke down. Cocks, Geoffrey and Konrad Hugo Jarausch. [122], Mommsen's contributions to the Monumenta Germaniae Historica laid the groundwork for additional scholarship on the study of the German nation, expanding the notion of "Germany" to mean other areas beyond Prussia. In 1807, Alexander von Humboldt argued that national character reflected geographic influence, linking landscape to people. Von Roon and William (who took an active interest in military structures) began reorganizing the Prussian army, while Moltke redesigned the strategic defense of Prussia by streamlining operational command. Austria's sphere expanded throughout much of the Central European territories formerly held by the Holy Roman Empire. "[65] Bismarck's words, "iron and blood" (or "blood and iron", as often attributed), have often been misappropriated as evidence of a German lust for blood and power. Chapter 22 | AP Euro Thus Wagner emphasizes that German identity is tied with geographical boundaries, in this case, the Rhine River. [75], The debate over the proposed national constitution became moot when news of Italian troop movements in Tyrol and near the Venetian border reached Vienna in April 1866. Wagner personally oversaw the design and construction of the theater located in the small Bavarian village of Bayreuth, the Festspielhaus, which opened in 1870 and where the Ring Cycle operas were first performed. Ceremony held to honor victims of 2020 racist terror attack in Hanau Topics Included: German Unification, Italian Unification, Russification, Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Industrialization Inventions, The Luddites, Child Labor, Woman's Suffrage, Slavery abolition The following is apart of an entire World History Workbook series. However, in 1876 the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), a Marxist party of workers, was formed. [79] Complicating the situation for Austria, the Italian mobilization on Austria's southern border required a diversion of forces away from battle with Prussia to fight the Third Italian War of Independence on a second front in Venetia and on the Adriatic sea. [12], Problematically, the built-in Austrian dominance failed to take into account Prussia's 18th-century emergence in Imperial politics. The post Cold War reunification of Germany in 1990 seemed such a natural consequence of the end of the Cold War and the collapse of Soviet power in Eastern Europe that it is easy to forget that Germany had a fairly brief life span as a unified nation-state. His guides also included distances, roads to avoid, and hiking paths to follow. History. AP Euro: Unification Flashcards | Quizlet Russian Jews arrived in north German cities in the thousands; considerably less educated and less affluent, their often dismal poverty dismayed many of the Germanized Jews. Those in authority were concerned about the growing unrest, political and social agitation among the working classes, and the disaffection of the intelligentsia. Supporters of Grossdeutsch, or Greater Germany, insisted that Prussians and Austrians with a common language naturally should be part of one nation. Initially conceived by the Prussian Finance Minister Hans, Count von Blow, as a Prussian customs union in 1818, the Zollverein linked the many Prussian and Hohenzollern territories. 432; Holt, p. 75. However, by the 19th century, transportation and communications improvements started to bring these regions closer together. Italy had its own way of unifying and so did Germany. The man-made factors included political rivalries between members of the German confederation, particularly between the Austrians and the Prussians, and socio-economic competition among the commercial and merchant interests, and the old land-owning and aristocratic interests. Military successesespecially those of Prussiain three regional wars generated enthusiasm and pride that politicians could harness to promote unification. The Burschenschaft student organizations and popular demonstrations, such as those held at Wartburg Castle in October 1817, contributed to a growing sense of unity among German speakers of Central Europe. The post-revolutionary European world became one of dramatic nation building that ultimately set the stage for 20th century nationalistic fervor, but before we can get nationalist passions riled up, we need to make some more nations. Prussian territory in the Confederation was extended to include also the formerly Polish territories of the Lauenburg and Btow Land and the former Starostwo of Draheim, while Austrian part was extended to include in the years 1818-1850 also the formerly Polish territories of the Duchy of Owicim and the Duchy of Zator), meaning that large portions of both Prussia and Austria were left outside pIn recognition of the imperial position traditionally held by the Habsburgs, the emperors of Austria became the titular presidents of this parliament. [94], Napoleon III had tried to secure territorial concessions from both sides before and after the Austro-Prussian War, but despite his role as mediator during the peace negotiations, he ended up with nothing. In October 1813, more than 500,000 combatants engaged in ferocious fighting over three days, making it the largest European land battle of the 19th century. Finally, Francefearing Hohenzollern encirclementdeclared war on Prussia in 1870, resulting in the Franco-Prussian War. Austrian-Prussian dualism lay firmly rooted in old Imperial politics. AP European History Textbook Western Europe Since 1945 Western Civilization I: Certificate Program . Meanwhile, the liberals in the Frankfurt assembly saw German unity as a process of negotiation that would lead to the distribution of power among the many parties. Nor did it develop particularly early, being rather a largely mid-to-late-19th-century phenomenon. Furthermore, since he trusted neither Moltke nor Roon, he was reluctant to enter a military enterprise over which he would have no control. AP Euro: German Unification 45,625 views Jan 31, 2015 546 Dislike Share Paul Sargent 28.5K subscribers An overview of the process of German unification, with an emphasis on the role of Otto. They would have been Genoese or Sicilian or Veronese. [113], A key element of the nation-state is the creation of a national culture, frequentlyalthough not necessarilythrough deliberate national policy. The German question is not a constitutional question, but a question of power; and the Prussian monarchy is now wholly German, while that of Austria cannot be. Due in part to the shared experience, albeit under French dominance, various justifications emerged to identify "Germany" as a potential future single state. The Napoleon's campaigns in Poland (180607) resulting in his decision to re-establish a form of Polish statehood (the Duchy of Warsaw) at the cost of also Prussian-conquered Polish territories, as well as his campaigns on Iberian Peninsula, in western Germany, and his disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812 disillusioned many Germans, princes and peasants alike. For a representative analysis of this perspective, see. Cambridge University Press.2003. This led to his brother William becoming prince regent of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1858. An overview of nineteenth-century German history, including unification and related religious, regional, and ethnic tensions. The Prussian cavalry pursued the defeated French in the evening of 18 June, sealing the allied victory. Compare And Contrast Martin Luther And Qin Dynasty | The rifle enabled a Prussian soldier to fire five shots while lying prone, while its muzzle-loading counterpart could only fire one shot and had to be reloaded while standing. As chancellor, Bismarck tried without much success to limit the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and of its party-political arm, the Catholic Center Party, in schools and education- and language-related policies. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to strengthen state control over agriculture and take a spate of other steps to increase grain production . Eastern Junker power had a counterweight in the western provinces in the form of the Grand Bourgeoisie and in the growing professional class of bureaucrats, teachers, professors, doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. Like their French counterparts, wealthy German Jews sponsored salons; in particular, several Jewish salonnires held important gatherings in Frankfurt and Berlin during which German intellectuals developed their own form of republican intellectualism. All parties in France rejected the terms, insisting that any armistice be forged on the basis of territorial integrity. France, in other words, would pay reparations for starting the war, but would, in Jules Favre's famous phrase, cede neither a clod of our earth nor a stone of our fortresses". With the proclamation of Wilhelm as Kaiser, Prussia assumed the leadership of the new empire. The Prussian army invested Paris and held it under siege until mid-January, with the city being "ineffectually bombarded". AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2008 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Question 4 Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and Germany, respectively. While the liberals failed to achieve the unification they sought, they did manage to gain a partial victory by working with the German princes on many constitutional issues and collaborating with them on reforms. There are Kingdoms and Grand Duchies, and Duchies and Principalities, inhabited by Germans, and each [is] separately ruled by an independent sovereign with all the machinery of State. Constructing Class and Nationality in Alsace, 1830-1945. In the first half of the 1860s, Austria and Prussia both contended to speak for the German states; both maintained they could support German interests abroad and protect German interests at home. Lacking a geographically central organizing feature (such as a national capital), the rails were laid in webs, linking towns and markets within regions, regions within larger regions, and so on. He was also an ardent German nationalist. These individual governments rejected the potent combination of enticing promises and subtle (or outright) threats Bismarck used to try to gain their support against the Habsburgs. Which individual is associated with the phrase blood and iron as related to the unification of Germany? Carrying flags, beating drums, and singing, the participants took the better part of the morning and mid-day to arrive at the castle grounds, where they listened to speeches by nationalist orators from across the conservative to radical political spectrum. The process symbolically concluded with the ceremonial proclamation of the German Empire i.e. The first lesson was that, through force of arms, a powerful state could challenge the old alliances and spheres of influence established in 1815. Through a combination of Bismarck's diplomacy and political leadership, von Roon's military reorganization, and von Moltke's military strategy, Prussia demonstrated that none of the European signatories of the 1815 peace treaty could guarantee Austria's sphere of influence in Central Europe, thus achieving Prussian hegemony in Germany and ending the dualism debate.[73]. So, we haven't talked much about Italy and Germany so far in Crash Course Euro, and that's because prior to the mid-19th century, those two nation-states weren't really a thing. 900904; Wawro, pp. Italian and German Unification - 458 Words | Studymode William, crowned King Wilhelm I in 1861, appointed Otto von Bismarck to the position of Minister-President of Prussia in 1862. Chapter 19 AP Euro | Other Quiz - Quizizz [87] In 1867, the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph accepted a settlement (the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867) in which he gave his Hungarian holdings equal status with his Austrian domains, creating the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary.[88]. He also held a fundamental distaste for the idea of accepting a crown from a popularly elected parliament: he would not accept a crown of "clay".