abortion letter from baby to mommy

I had my abortion at 5 weeks and 1 day i knew it was the right thing to do but i did want my baby I was scared but overwhelmed i didnt want to go thru what i did i remember a time i was for abortion but until u have to go thru one u have no right to talk i too also got my sonogram which was supposed to be a joyful experience it still was because wow it was beautiful .i love and hope to see my baby one day .. And then I blurt out, without any grace, and much louder than I intend, Im pregnant. His eyes get wide as frisbees and he says, Wait. Im broken over this. Im giving up the pregnancy to focus on my toddler & also to avoid a life of suffering for the new baby You know in your heart what the right decision is. Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the author. I cry. Everyone had always said about decisions like this that you need to be 100% sure either way but I wasnt sure either way at all. An abortion at age 15 left Teresa with 'a wounded and tormented soul' Carroll's mom was about the same age as . We use protection and still Ive ended up pregnant once more. Im 16 and I knew there was no way I could support a child. no one is on my side. I am now 48 and very much regret it and really dont know how to go on, but somehow we must. Im so confused. I still do. I look for my child for twenty years but I was never able to get pregnant again . Realizing it is her choice and respecting her decision has been rough but weve grown these past few weeks. There arent any protesters out that day and Im grateful. All other content on this website is Copyright 2006-2023 FFP Inc. All rights reserved. Its what he wants. I dont want to go through an abortion again. Like you, I was always so excited to become a Mom and I felt a sincere connection as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I was accepted into the Montessori teacher training program two days prior. Couldnt take my meds or prenatals because the baby threw up everything. Days away from her second abortion, she wrote that getting the abortion is the "right decision for myself, my daughter, and this child." Im stressed and feel so alone. And understand that by forcing your boyfriend to do something he isnt ready for you may ruin your relationship with him. I was in a a similar position. Abortions do not occur in this time period, so the phrase is contradictory. I found out I was pregnant today after being a few days late on my period Im lost!!!!! I begged mi amor to reconsider, I proposed to her 3 days before she had the abortion. One abortion opponent testified that people in her life had . The saline solution burned the baby's skin and poisoned him or her. I ask for the pill and she hands me it along with a cup of water. X. Whats crazy is this exact story is mines (not in reality but figuratively) I literally did everything she did, said everything she said. No matter how he was conceived this baby wasnt a mistake not to me. He would have been 7 and his name was Dyno. I would give anything to hold him. Youre still with me, and Im grateful for that too. This post hit home for me. I've got twice the appetite and half the energy. The connection is like no other. Like you, I could not have made a life for my baby at that time. I live with my boyfriend hes 39yrs old. She felt because of the drugs it was best to have an abortion. I too feel like I will regret it if I do this, My first pregnancy ended the relationship because I betrayed him, although he would never step down from his responsibilities , and thats how he made me feel. Listen to her fears and help her conquer them one by one. Mom's Letter to Baby During Pregnancy | POPSUGAR Family Its been 7 years since my abortion, and I miss her. You are raising two kids of his first marriage and the least he can do is to man up and respect your decision of keeping this baby. Today its been 1 year since the surgery. An Honest Letter About Abortion. ????? A letter from an unborn baby: fHi mom!, how are you?, I am doing just fine thanks. Little Thing, I want you to be happy. I dont feel like he was there for me as he should. Exactly a month later I find out Im pregnant again. I even Bought girl stuff.. in the end I told myself he was right. Keeps chugging along with home remodel and building his shop, and when I remind because Im STRUGGLING with being left with this choice. So not really any adult guidance, or access to the financial resources parents often avail their young-adult children. I was wondering how you are feeling. 5 years after that we accidentally get pregnant and have a beautiful baby girl but even after having her I still retreat my choice and he still blaming me as he should I guess but we live a very sad life am trying to have another baby but he is not making as much trying as I do because he say am with you only for my daughter and am living for her to but she always ask for a sister or brother I dont know what to do .so much happened in our life that I think wouldnt be happening if I just have my baby and get married with him . Anyway. It is sad to see children God has made being murdered. Please keep your baby. I feel like you put my experience and feelings into words. Baby. He had a vasectomy and yet I ended up pregnant again. But tbh, by that point in our unhealthy relationship I had enough resentments of my own towards him to really care much. Would adoption be something you could manage? It has only been two years. Share your story, thoughts, and prayers in words, pictures, or video. Maybe you think no one understands. Mark Ruffalo On Abortion: 'I Don't Want To Turn Back The - HuffPost The first question the nurse asks is, What was the first day of your last period?, and I burst into tears. January 22, 2021 - The anniversary of Roe v Wade - 48 years of legal abortion in all fifty states. Im in my final year in university. I am so sorry you had to go through this. I hope everything will be okay. I work a half day, then your dad picks me up and we drive to Planned Parenthood. Im now 11 weeks and as soon as I found out I was pregnant he has gone back to abusing alcohol. Then I went into early menopause at 34 and never had kids. My younger half sister is also pregnant with a girl which I always thought I would have. If I Could Speak: Letters from the Womb - amazon.com I too had an abortion a couple of days ago 1/10/20. We talked all weekend, tried finding ways to make it work but we both knew it wasnt the time because of so many factors, the big ones being my health and finances. Dear Mom: Letters from an Aborted Baby - The Shining Light Ministries Yet, I have an appointment with my Dr on Monday. My mother killed me. It cant be easy and its hurtful for the man youre suppose to be with to embed abortion in your head after telling you, you two could try again. Listen to your heart, there is no wrong choice. And it bothers me that my husbands doesnt realize the pain Im going through. As a pro-life advocate, I've written and submitted many articles pertaining to abortion to our local newspaper. I feel like I have to get the abortion or he will resent me and our relationship will be over. UN urged to intervene over destruction of US abortion rights I just recently started a new job and I want to progress. I was pretty much pressured to become pregnant by my boyfriend at the time (now very ex). I dont want to live in regret of having an abortion. My partner said he would support me either way but I knew deep down to him it might as well have been the end of the world. I recently found out I was pregnant after having a late period. I feel awful. I took the pill at 6 weeks. Gabrielle Kruger 12 Tips: What to Say to Someone Considering Abortion The dad and I had talked about having another child after 3.5 yrs. Thank you. Its not being selfish if you think about it deeper. Mom, please listenplease. My supports at the time were my boyfriend, a few very close friends my age, and my 4 younger siblings (3 were under 6 years old at this time). I hate that Im stuck with making this decision. I literally cry every moment I think of aborting it. Shes only known her boyfriend for 3 months and now they are contemplating a forever type of future together to raise this child. I think Ill visit an abortion clinic to avail of a medical abortion service because its difficult for me to survive if I have a child. I was shocked. I really commend you Shawn. "Everything about a later termination is already so incredibly difficult even just picking up the phone to make the appointment. (Sense my sarcasm, little one.) It was beautiful. I need to get a surgical abortion on Monday and he cant even decide if he wants to come and support me. She comes to me in my dreams at least once a week. I didnt want to do this. He says if i get an abortion we must split that Hell respect my decision but we cannot continue together. After I check in, I have to take another urine test. Ever. As a minor in highschool who lives with her boyfriend (of 2 years), I had to have a termination back in September after finding out I was pregnant days before the dads birthday (Aug. 28). When you make this list of pros and cons, I think it will help you understand the reality. To this day I cry in memory of the child that could have been. Would the Republican's bill force that teenager to. is! im 22 years old and just had an abortion over the weekend. I know thats the right decision but I cant stop crying or thinking about baby . That's exactly what I need to do for you. Its nice to see other ladies have the same emotions and I know when the time is right my baby girl will come back to me (: This might be a bit forward and seem strange of me but I have been through this twice before so if you would like someone to talk to or any support you are welcome to contact me anytime x. I just had mine this afternoon. I m a thai women but I moved to England to live with my husband , he is 34 years old and weve been together nearly 3 years. For those who may have suffered physical injury due to an abortion, we ask that you contact Operation Rescue at 316-683-6790, or e-mail us your story at info.operationrescue@gmail.com. Im sure it goes without saying from reading about my childhood but I have mental health issues and Im not sure having a child of my own is something I will ever be mentally ready for, but I certainly wasnt then. I am unable to have children, so I will never know what it feels like, but I share your pain through the experiences of others. She wo t talk to anyone as she feels she would be seen as weak. I dont want an abortion but that seems to be the best option. Published Jul 29, 2015. Im a working fulltime mom Ive always been morally against abortions Ive always advocated against them and here I am having to contemplate one. I havent gone one day without thinking of it and causing major heartache, especially as family members and friend have now kids. Hes verbally abusive, Ive spent all my money on him, no savings, lots of debt he makes the money I just make very little. im so lost on how to proceed. I went through every logistic financial, physical, mental to see if I could go through with it. I think. I was overjoyed but crushed the next day after he told me we werent ready and that I should get rid of it. Love to each of you xxxxxxxxx. Open Letter Concerning the Killing of "Baby Amanda" On November 3, 2022, National Public Radio (NPR) aired the sounds of the killing of a Child through abortion. The first line showed up dark pink as it always did, and then, suddenly, a faint second pink line emerged. Just like our loved ones that preceded us. Thank you for your sorry. Get the Poem of the Day delivered right to your phone! It has the potential to work, but like you said, doesnt make sense no matter how hard you look at it. He doesnt know the end result, nor do I feel that he deserves to. I was 17 yrs old when I got pregnant, At that age I was not ready, alot of expectations from my parents await me plus the fact that I got pregnant by the person I dont love.so Ive decided to abort it by means of massage. Scarlet Letters: Getting the History of Abortion and Contraception After Birth Abortion | Snopes.com It helps to know I am not alone so thank you. Labor would begin, usually within 12 hours, and the baby would be expelled. My and my husband have been diagnosed with infertility. This is a safe place for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members to remember children who were lost to abortion. If you are in the position to do so, please consider becoming a SMBC (single mom by choice). I felt very depressed after I let you go - many days were hard to face, some I didn't. I told myself it was hormones. Then I found out I was pregnant! All Ive ever wanted is to me a mom. Abortion pills are the most common way to end a pregnancy in the United States and have become a focus for anti-abortion groups and Republican officials seeking to block access in their states. I lost my baby in August. My boyfriend has two children ages 18 and 13. My husband said he would support me whatever decision I make. Because o hate that its a decision. I am sad you were sad. Im the same, my partner cant understand why it still or ever did sadden me, he says it was too early no heartbeat, for that reason he does not feel what I feel, I cry alone, still. This hurts me down to my soul. And then we came back home. How do you know? I pull out the test and show him the two pink lines. The 45-year-old actor's statements on abortion were read at a rally outside of Mississippi's last abortion clinic, Jackson Women's Health Organization. I thought about how I had just lost my job, just went back to school, was still struggling with grief from a lost loved one and trying to take care of my mom while still trying to learn how to take care of myself. If you do it, please remember you are not alone and it does get better And remember (if you believe) God will forgive you. I love him he doesnt exactly feel the same, as per the way our relationship has gone these last few Years which caused it to end. No baby should be murdered by its mother. Time went on and as I struggled with my decision he eventually came around. My heart tells me it wa a girl. I felt like death every day sometimes unable to stay out longer than 2 hours outside. We started trying, but didnt expect it to come so soon. Wishing all loving thoughts to you. Ive always had irregular periods and issues. I want to keep the baby but then i feel like maybe i should get an abortion and give myself this chance to truly start over and fresh and cut ties with him other than coparenting. And draw pictures, made especially for you. My husband does not want another child. But I begged her not to go, I pleaded at times crying on the phone. Diary of an Unborn Child - Wikipedia I will make my decision within the next 2 weeks. I was diagnosed with a form of heart disease two years ago and the first thing I thought about was how it would affect my life and the babys life. I chose to have an abortion for many reasons, including those I just mentioned. Am i allowed to feel i did it for the baby? I knew I wanted to finish school, and with barely making enough to keep the house stocked with I knew I would have to turn to work full time to be able to keep it. At times I couldnt walk, couldnt eat, loss 9 pounds in one week, shortness of breath and felt like I was having a heart attack. There are so many things I am looking forward to, and I can't wait to be held in your arms and taught by the very best mama I can think of! We dont regret it. Up to this moment Im still thinking of her, asking God and her for forgiveness. I just remember lying on the table crying my eyes out begging for forgiveness till They put me to sleep . Everyone at work keeps getting pregnant and every time I hurt. I always believed that I will meet my angel one day. My grief has been unbearable the past 5 days since I had the abortion. The doctor leaves and your dad and I hold each other and cry. I dont understand how someone who has children already, can be so selfish and cold hearted. If it makes you feel any better, abortion is highly unlikely to affect your future fertility equally though Im missing my baby a lot. It would have been too early to know the sex for sure but when I think of her I feel her and I know she was my baby girl your not alone, whatever you feel, your not alone. I was 5 weeks when I decided to let my baby go, I miss her everyday . Please give me some advice Im so lost right now. SUBSCRIBE: $1 for 3 months. After a further 2 weeks things started to settle down. Thank you for sharing your story, I made a promise to myself my decision was not in vain and Im almost done with my bachelors degree. I hope to someday get to tell my child face to face that I love them and Im sorry and they deserved better. Help us continue to provide this imperative service. Im so sorry. If there is a heart beat I really dont feel I can abort but Im afraid the stress he will give me will cause me to miscarry anyway. It would be my second but he has children from a previous marriage. Just my thoughts ?? These letters are an appeal to all who read them to choose life. Again, I sleep in the same room as your dad that night, and when my alarm goes off, I get ready to take the bus to work. What if I was never able to get back on track with school and start my career? I dont know how Im going to get over this. It is sad to see children God has made being murdered. Its so hard. We just signed the lease on our apartment and we were planning a trip to Italy for next summer. I recently just had my second abortion in 9 months . And I like to think that only because they arent physically here doesnt mean Im not a mom. A local democratic official in Framingham, Massachusetts is under fire for comments made about babies born with . I pull out a second test with two pink lines, that I took while on the phone with my sister this time in the apartment, this time repeating different expletives. Stay strong and stay encouraged. I stood up, pants around my ankles, and lost my footing, grasping onto the shelf that held toilet paper and Febreze. I wanted to be your special child. I want two more children. I knew that if I went in for an ultrasound and saw features on that monitor.. there was no way I could go through with it. I wish you and your baby love and healthy lives your braver than I was I envy that, I had an abortion in April. Took the first pill today to block the hormones. I worry everyday about what y child will be like when he is here, how y decision is going to have an impact on the people around me, on those closesest to me. Now she feels she let her self and everyone else down. Family assumes that I just dont want to have them, when in reality, now, is that no one will have one with me. his mom knew, she had taken me to my appointment. Ebony Angel B. I was 6 weeks when I went for an ultrasound .. and all I saw was a small blob that I referred to as my nugget. Weve been married about 10 years and I have children from my previous marriage that she loves as well but cant help being jealous of. I still wonder if o made the right decision. I decide abortion at week 6. Hello Mommy, this is me, your baby- It haunts me every day . I already have a 1 yr old but im 5 months. I want my baby so much but my family are pushing for a termination as I should be having a child when the timing is right. Because I was born, because I can talk and breathe air and because you can visibly see me in front of your face, I had the "right" to take my first baby's life away. I am 40 and my husband is not supportive and I feel so alone. We chose 3 yrs ago to decide to be Childfree. Its something I think about every day. Everyday I think about my baby, Im still google searching what the baby would look like at this gestation age, what the baby would be doing. Your words help. I am a mom. It takes courage to share your story, especially with so much honesty. My heart would of gotten excited despite starting all over again. I made the wrong choice. I dont know where Im going to go or how Im going to make this work but Im terrified. This story is so touching and Im thankful to have come across it. Keep the faith, you are not alone . We just dont know what we actually want, since we decided to not have children. This was with the same toxic individual that I got pregnant the first time with . No baby should be murdered by its mother. I had not passed my probation period and I wanted to prove myself, to be as good as I could be. They told me to think about what I wanted to do and that theyd support me regardless of my choice. Diary of an Unborn Child is the title of an anonymously-written anti-abortion article which was first read on the floor of the New York Senate in 1970. I prayed on it and as days went on my baby grew inside me but my symptoms from the pregnancy and the disease increased. To explain the center's work, Pinson told a story about a girl who showed up with her mom on the morning the Heartbeat Act took effect, asking for an abortion. We done the best we could at the time, and thats all we can do. I would give anything to have my baby back. If my partner would of came to me and said he wanted to keep this baby I would have and I would of felt more love for him because his courage. I dont want to let you go. The dad had permit and he wanted to have the baby And he even offer to get merried because I also was afraid of telling my family and I said no with in 3 or 4 days after founding out I abort our baby . Your state requires that one of your parents be told of your decision 48 hours before your abortion. I just hope that I can. At 18 weeks, April and her husband found out that their baby had lethal skeletal dysplasia. I wasnt going to tell him until I was so far along I could not abort but that sounds crazy. Even my close friends dont know this time. Im not mad at you anymore. Its a hard decision, Hi there Im in the same situation, dont know what to do Im so sick ? Take care. Ive never thought Id be in this position and feel so weak and lost. Im in exactly the same situation as you and just dont know what to do. I had an abortion back in 1999. My room mate and best friend had an abortion two days ago. I pray one day my baby will cone back to me. Abortion - " A Letter From An Unborn Baby" | PDF - Scribd Have you done it? My bf convinced me we werent ready. I was very helpless. We cant afford this baby. Massachusetts Democrat told to step down after abortion comments leave Anyway, Im still mourning and will never forget till the day I die. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 42 million abortions are induced worldwide each year. Surfing helps, but I know the best thing for healing is time. I got an abortion 6 days ago. And way farther along than I thought. He walks into the front room while I am mid-stand, so thats how I greet him. Just a few days before my 22nd birthday. I felt you crying when you went to the doctor. Im sad, but dont regret it. More than I want good . Ohio state Rep. Jean Schmidt calls pregnancies from rape an Unborn Child's letter to a Mother! - Momspresso And to be honest, your dad and I werent using protection. I cried every day leading up to me making a decision, and I set the appointment for the very next day after I decided so that I would not have much time to change my mind. I cant make up my mind. It took me months to get back to normal, probably because of the hormones, and I got severely depressed and anxious. I never talked to people about it after. I was a 19 year old college student with absolutely no plans to marry or have kids at that point. Am I selfish for bringing our baby into this world? The last paragraph brought tears to my eyes. Its been 3 months since my abortion. Only a few days have gone by since I was conceived and I am now growing in your tummy. I know that deep down hes right but its tearing me apart. We have only been together 8 months though. I didn't know you, but I loved you. Wish I had a way to contact you personally. I know I made the right decision, but seeing him with his kids now breaks my heart bc he didnt want the one with me right now. Constant regret and pain . My eyes fixate on her belly, and I sob. I am with someone now and he is lovely. I pray for all of you. And just as I had for months prior, I did so with ease, telling myself, What another waste of $15. See, my boobs hurt and were swollen; I was tired; I was hungry.